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Residential Life

A Community of Caring

Learn what it means to be a good neighbor by experiencing MNU’s residential life, meeting your forever friends, and making great memories.

Residential Halls

Group of student residents

“大约60%的学生住在校园里. Every residence hall has a Resident Educator (RE) who lives in the building and works to give you a great experience! The RE with their staff of student Resident Assistants host monthly hall and dorm events, small group meetings, 以及其他与宿舍社区联系的机会.

Explore other Learning Commons services or contact us to see how we can help you find the resources you need to succeed.

Residence Halls & Floorplans

Stockton & Rice

Traditional-style, female-only, underclassmen residence hall with rooms designed for either two or three students. 赖斯有52个房间,斯托克顿有52个房间,由一个共同的大厅连接起来. 大堂包括一个共用厨房和起居空间. 每个房间都配有双层床、梳妆台和书桌. Rooms are equipped with WiFi. 每层都有两间公共浴室和一个公共起居区. 斯托克顿和赖斯的两个楼层都有免费洗衣设施.

Resident Educator – Dacia Magee

Don't Forget!

It’s fun to furnish your space. 当你准备进入校园时, 确保你带了所有需要的东西,不要带我们不允许带的东西. 使用下面的列表来帮助你做决定.”

In the “What to Bring” list, under “Food and utensils,请使用更新后的文本作为最后的注释:

“Note: students living in Draper, Ramsey, 和Spindle可以使用宿舍大厅里的全套厨房, and may consider bring pots, pans, and other cooking/baking supplies. Uphaus, Stockton, and Rice have a smaller kitchen area with an stove/oven available for student use.

These are suggestions for things to bring to make your room a comfortable place to live.
  • For your room: sheets (XL twin), hangers, power strip, small vacuum, 区域地毯或地毯(不允许使用地毯胶带), desk lamp and light bulbs, TV, trash can, storage boxes, small fan, full length mirror, pillow, mattress cover, closet organizers, 3M hooks to hang items
  • For your desk: bookends, desk organizer, file box, stationery, stamps, envelopes, note pads, index cards, paper clips, tape, stapler, highlighter, pencils and pens, computer, USB flash drive, bookmarks, calculator, printer (each student receives a designated amount of free printing on campus each semester)
  • Bathroom: shower caddy, shower shoes, toiletries. Note: students living in the apartment-style or town homes will also want to bring a shower curtain
  • Laundry and cleaning needs: laundry detergent, stain remover, laundry bag/basket, iron, ironing board, dish soap, trash bags, paper towels, sponge, glass cleaner
  • Food and utensils: microwave, coffee maker, cups, mugs, eating utensils, can opener, bowls, plates, microwaveable cookware, small refrigerator (less than 4.3 cu. ft.), food storage. Note: students living in Colony West, 德雷珀或拉姆齐可能也想带锅来, pans and other kitchen cookware.
  • Everything else: batteries, flashlight, small tool set, alarm clock, umbrella, playing cards, board games, athletic equipment, sunglasses, backpack, overnight bag, bicycle, bug spray, insurance cards


  • Pets (with the exception of fish)
  • Candles
  • Lofting furniture
  • 带有开放式加热盘管的电器,如烤面包机, hot plate, sandwich grills, 乔治福尔曼烧烤店(不包括公寓)
  • Space heaters
  • Ceiling fans
  • Halogen lamps
  • Paint for dorm room or apartment
  • Shelves or items that must be mounted to the wall (3M hooks are fine; drilling into the walls is not allowed)
  • 举重器材(别担心,这就是Land Gym的用途!)
  • Tobacco products or alcoholic beverages
  • 弓、刀和火器——包括彩弹枪/气枪*
  • Hunting Equipment*
  • Fireworks*
  • Hoverboards
  • Latex
  • Mattresses/bed frames

*You may, however, store your hunting firearms and all weapons with the campus police office. 武器的定义包括猎刀, swords, martial arts equipment, fencing gear, balloon launchers, potato guns, 以及任何发射未命名为“Nerf”的弹丸的物品. 


用餐时间不仅仅是吃饭的时间. Breaking bread together provides opportunity to fellowship and build relationships while nourishing individuals to face each new day.

Cunningham Center

位于坎宁安中心的威利餐厅, our dining service is committed to providing top-notch hospitality while accommodating all your dining needs. Pioneer College Caterers is proud to provide a wide variety of cafeteria-style foods prepared fresh throughout the day. Various menus are created to make each dining experience pleasing and enjoyable. We are confident you will find the quality of the food and service to be outstanding

Dining Services Employment

Enjoy the perks of working on campus and short shifts, while working to build your resume. We are always looking for smiling faces to join the dining services student team. 顺便到餐厅和餐饮服务经理谈谈.

Meal Plans

Each mealtime requires a single scan for entry to the dining hall for either buffet-style dining or one hot carry-out meal.

Dining services are available every day of the week while classes are in session. They are closed during Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, Spring break, and Easter.

Commuter students and other guests may purchase meals per visit or set up a declining balance connected with their student ID.

Exchange meals are considered a single meal at Pete’s Place in lieu of a dining hall meal. 皮特的交换餐包括一个Grab & 晚上7点后可选择餐点或热餐.


  • The 19-meal plan provides one scan for breakfast (7:00am – 10:30am) and two meal scans for the remainder of the day (11:00am – 7:00pm), for 19 meals periods per week.
  • Each dining hall scan permits all you can eat dining or one hot take out meal in exchange of your dining hall meal.
  • Enjoy $50 flex points to purchase extra meals in the dining hall or any menu item at Pete’s Place.
  • With exchange meals you may take any of your 19 meals from the Pete’s Place Exchange Meal Menu in lieu of eating in the dining hall.
  • 90块膳食计划每学期提供90次膳食扫描.
  • Enjoy $50 flex points to purchase extra meals in the dining hall or any menu item at Pete’s Place.
  • Each dining hall scan permits all you can eat dining or one hot take out meal in exchange of your dining hall meal.
  • 你的套餐包括交换餐. With exchange meals you may take any of your 90 block meals from the Pete’s Place Exchange Meal Menu in lieu of eating in the dining hall.
  • 你每学期最多可以为朋友和家人使用10次餐食扫描.

Meal Periods

一周有20个用餐时间. 学生必须出示有效的校园证件才能进入食堂.

Monday - Friday

Meal Period
Meal Period Times
Meal Offerings
Offering Schedule
7:00AM – 10:30AM
Hot Breakfast
Continental Breakfast
7:00AM – 9:00AM
9:00AM – 10:30AM
11:00AM – 5:00PM
CLOSED for Reset
Light Lunch
10:30AM – 11:00AM
11:00AM – 2:00PM
2:00PM – 5:00PM
5:00PM – 10:30PM
Pete’s Place
5:00PM – 7:00PM
7:00PM – 10:30PM


Meal Period
Meal Period Times
Meal Offerings
Offering Schedule
11:00AM – 1:00PM
11:00AM – 1:00PM
5:00PM – 6:00PM
5:00PM – 6:00PM


Meal Period
Meal Period Times
Meal Offerings
Offering Schedule
8:15AM – 9:15AM
Continental Breakfast
8:15AM – 9:15AM
11:30AM – 1:30PM
11:30AM – 1:30PM
5:00PM – 10:30PM
Pete’s Place
5:00PM – 6:00PM
6:00PM – 10:30PM

Food Options


  • Entrees: A daily variety of delicious fresh made entrees and sides ranging from home-style comforts to international favorites.
  • 新鲜烤制:多汁的肉类腌制后慢烤至完美. 配菜和蒸过的无黄油蔬菜.
  • Pizza & 意大利面:享受现代和传统的披萨或意大利面. – GF available.
  • 烧烤:新鲜的烤三明治和热狗/链接. Home of Spicy Chicken Thursday. – GF available.
  • 沙拉吧:一个令人愉快的丰富选择的混合蔬菜, garden fresh vegetables, salad toppings, and dressings.
  • 分区:定做三明治和卷饼. Choose from a variety of oven roasted meats, toppings and spreads on fresh baked bread. – GF available.
  • 哈瓦那人:墨西哥卷饼、墨西哥卷饼和墨西哥玉米饼. Choose from adobo marinated chicken, pork carnitas, beef or vegetarian with cilantro-rice, and home-made salsas.
  • Pastry Table: Fresh from the oven sweet treats; cookies, cakes, pies, fruit crisps/cobblers, and more.

Look for the GF (Gluten Free), Lactose Free, 和素食者的标志,以确定特定的饮食产品.

Pete's Place

Coffee Time

皮特之家位于坎宁安中心,交通便利. Choose from a variety of great barista-made beverages, salads, sandwiches and snacks. Comfortable seating just outside Pete’s, is our way of saying, “Stay awhile…and relax!”

我们接受现金、万事达卡、VISA和Apple Pay. Student on a meal plan can also use their MNU ID card to purchase items at Pete’s Place.

Monday – Friday: 7:00AM—10:30PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 6:00pm – 10:30pm

Lounge & Collab Spaces

Hight Student Lounge

The student lounge at our university is a vibrant and welcoming space designed for both relaxation and productivity. 它以各种设施为特色,以满足不同学生的需求, 包括一些友好比赛的游戏集合, 放映机用于观看节目和电影的放映机, 舒适的座位区非常适合和朋友一起出去玩. For those looking to study, 这里有安静的角落和桌子, 确保有利的学术工作环境. 是否想在课后放松一下, 追上你最喜欢的电视剧的最新剧集, or focus on your studies, 学生休息室为平衡工作和休闲提供了完美的环境.

Collab Spaces

The student collaboration spaces on the second floor of our student center are designed to foster teamwork and individual productivity. 这些地方非常适合小组会议或单独学习, with various seating arrangements including booths that offer privacy and comfort. Each space is equipped with charging stations to keep devices powered throughout the day. The abundance of windows ensures plenty of natural light, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere. 无论你是在做一个小组项目,还是需要一个安静的地方集中精力, these collaboration spaces provide the ideal environment to meet your academic needs.